Starlight School's Comfortable Cafeteria
by Kerri Silverthorn | Thu, Feb 13th, 2020
Starlight School's Comfortable Cafeteria Program
What is a Comfortable Cafeteria Program?
The Comfortable Cafeteria Program is designed to promote social skills, emotional wellness, and healthy eating patterns. The program is for six weeks and follows weekly topics. A weekly lunchtime lesson is introduced by the Occupational Therapy Assistant and Speech Language Pathologist. Lessons involve fun activities focused on building conversations and healthy eating habits. Our goal is to provide a comfortable cafeteria for all where students can enjoy a meal, converse with friends, be responsible and respectful, and follow directions.
Creating a Comfortable Cafeteria is one of several model programs developed as a part of the Every Moment Counts: Promoting Mental Throughout the Day initiative, which focuses on embedding strategies throughout the day to help all children and youth become mentally healthy in order to succeed in school, at home, and in the community. For more information, please click here.
Image Caption: Picture of young students with Starlight School Principal, Holly Lawver.
Kerri Silverthorn Thu, Feb 13th, 2020