Service & Support Administration
TuscBDD's Service and Support Administrators (SSA) assist over 700 people with developmental disabilities and their families to identify and acquire appropriate services and supports. People can choose services for themselves from a variety of resources.
- SSAs provide support to link individuals to the services and supports they need.
- SSAs help discover what is important to the person and what is important for the person.
- SSAs provide advocacy to safeguard the rights and protect the interests and choices of people served.
- SSAs also monitor and work closely with agencies and organizations that provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities.
- SSAs can determine eligibility - One SSA is assigned the activities to determine if someone qualifies for County Board of Developmental Disabilities services. Call the main telephone number to be connected to the staff person assigned to the eligibility process.
To learn more about waivers:
Individual Options Waiver (IO) Waiver Handbook
The Self-Empowered Life Funding Waiver (SELF) Waiver: Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
Emergency On Call
One of the services provided by TuscBDD is crisis intervention for individuals with developmental disabilities. To provide this service, an on-call system is utilized.
During normal working hours (weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) please call 330.308.7173
The on-call system should be used after normal working hours, and on holidays and weekends.
To access the on-call system:
1. Dial 330-340-5882. (This is the cell phone number for the Service & Support Administrator (SSA) that is On-Call.)
2. If no one answers your call immediately please leave a message so you can receive a return telephone call.
You should receive a return call within 30 minutes.
If you do not receive a return call within 30 minutes, the following numbers are being provided as backup contact numbers for the on-call system:
Kyle Wells
Service & Support Administration Supervisor
(330) 827-4750