Message from the Superintendent
by Kerri Silverthorn | Tue, Jan 14th, 2020
As we look into the year 2020 with hopeful vision and our sights on new goals, we also reflect on the year gone by, the challenges we encountered, and the accomplishments we achieved. It is the work that these employees do that ignites the energy needed for growth, support, collaboration, and success to occur. It is this outstanding work that has helped this agency to continue to pursue innovative solutions for our friends, family members, and co-workers who happen to have a developmental disability.
I want to acknowledge TuscBDD employees who work each day on behalf of people with developmental disabilities. I also want to acknowledge the people that we serve and their families who each day seek to learn, work, grow, advocate, support, and overcome.
As we forge ahead in this new year, TuscBDD wants to focus on community needs. Three areas of focus this year are: supporting our local school districts through the Starlight Specialized Service Program, investing in services to provide respite, residential, and treatment options for youth and adults in crisis, and working to help the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities with the development of a single statewide template for individual service plans (ISPs). We are hopeful that the objectives we plan to focus on will help individuals with developmental disabilities to further reach their goals.
Nate Kamban
TuscBDD Superintendent
Kerri Silverthorn Tue, Jan 14th, 2020