What is an SSA?

by Kerri Silverthorn   |   Fri, Feb 14th, 2020

What is an SSA?

TuscBDD's SSAs assist over 600 people with developmental disabilities and their families to identify and acquire appropriate services and supports. People can choose services for themselves among a variety of resources. SSAs provide support to connect individuals to the services and supports they need. SSAs help discover what is important to the person and what is important for the person. SSAs provide advocacy to safeguard the rights and protect the interests and choices of people served. SSAs also monitor and work closely with agencies and organizations that provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities. For more information on eligibility, please email bstarkey@tuscbdd.org or call Beth at 330.308.7172.

SSAs are advocates that want people they support to exceed goals and live a good life. The SSA service is available for free to eligible children and adults who reside in Tuscarawas County. TuscBDD services are funded by local levy dollars as well as state and federal funds.

Kerri Silverthorn Fri, Feb 14th, 2020